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    • CommentTime6/05/2018IsOnline

    "We go on and on about our differences. But, you know, our differences are less important than our similarities. People have a lot in common with one another, whether they see that or not." / William Hall

    The quote above is what this forum is pretty much about. People are the same, no matter what language they speak. The human beings. So, let's talk about our differences to understand our similarities. In English please. Whatever it comes: ideas, discussions, life events, news, gossips... you decide.

    Special welcome to native speakers - Americans. Please participate, share your thoughts!

    Few simple rules (on top of Forum's rules):

    • English only! Russian and any other language can be used only as supplemental
    • Don't be afraid to make grammar mistakes. We are not a Grammar Nazi
    • Any opinions are welcome, but keep your emotions socially acceptable
    • Zero-tolerance to any type of abusive/offensive conversation


    Az (Moderator)

    • CommentTime6/05/2018IsOnline редактировалось данное сообщение

    Additional explanations. We mean not only this topic but all category "America It Is". You are able to offer any themes for discussions in this category. You can invite to participate english speakers as well and assist them to registrar on the forum if they are interested. Also we recommend to post here only links of english language news.

    • CommentTime6/05/2018IsOnline редактировалось данное сообщение

    Привет старик! Давно тебя не было слышно(видно).Smile Не находишь эту фразу People are the same, no matter what language they speak. The human beings. So, let's talk about our differences to understand our similarities. In English please. несколько противоречивой?Smile Извиняюсь што на "дополнительном" языке,с английским не очень.Smile

    • CommentTime6/05/2018IsOnline редактировалось данное сообщение

    Could you say the same in English only in this topic, sir?

    Some grammar mistakes are ok.

    • CommentTime6/05/2018IsOnline

    People are the same, no matter what language they speak. The human beings. So, let's talk about our differences to understand our similarities. In English please.This phrase is  inconsistent, is not it?

    • CommentTime6/05/2018IsOnline редактировалось данное сообщение
    This anecdote is very much in the topic.

    There is a war on racial grounds. Suddenly a preacher appears:"Brothers!" Let's drop our weapons!
    You are all equal with God! Imagine that you are not black and white, but all green!Let's sit on the bus and go on a picnic!Everyone is touched, they threw up their weapons, the bus drove up.
    Preacher:- Light green in the front door, dark green in the back door!
    • CommentTime7/05/2018IsOnline

    -Today a tsar is born.

    • CommentTime7/05/2018IsOnline

    Did you watch a crowning? )))

    • CommentTime7/05/2018IsOnline
    • CommentAuthorMuromec82
    • CommentTime7/05/2018IsOnline

    ..... vo dela !!!???  Surprised ya gee ni Bum Bum!! Undecided


    • CommentTime7/05/2018IsOnline

    Hello, Razum, my old friend, good to see ya here (it took time for me to get back... anyway, it's good to be back!). Just a reminder - please speak English in this category.

    I don't see any controversial meaning in the statement above... just a little "стёб" Cool (BTW, this is a perfect example of supplemental Russian...).

    • CommentTime7/05/2018IsOnline

    Ok.Not at once I have understood that only in this topic. I have stepped, happens.Smile

    • CommentAuthorArt
    • CommentTime8/05/2018IsOnline

    I can read, but I cannot write.

    My knowledge English is very bad.

    • CommentTime8/05/2018IsOnline

    Art, no worries, nobody is perfect. Don't afraid to write/speak in English, even if it's bad... it is the only way to get better. Day by day, phrase by phrase, one little step at the time.

    • CommentAuthoratofit
    • CommentTime12/05/2018IsOnline

    I accepted a job offer, working as an Accountant with a focus on Tax, Estate Planning and Business Planning in one of the firms in Chicago. Starting this June. Thank you for all the support. If you happen to be in Chicagoland area, let me know!

    My daughter

    • CommentTime12/05/2018IsOnline

    atofit - just to make it clear: is it your daughter who got a job?

    • CommentAuthoratofit
    • CommentTime12/05/2018IsOnline

    Yes, my daughter got this job. Next step to get CPA , and next MBA. I hope...

    • CommentTime13/05/2018IsOnline

    Congrats! You can be proud of her. My daughter is doing the internship at a company in North Chicago  - very happy to have her in my home for this summer. She is a student at FIU (Florida International University). Grown too fast...

    • CommentAuthoratofit
    • CommentTime7/06/2018IsOnline

    Hello Az!

    Is Palatine good area? Thank U for congrats!

    • CommentTime7/06/2018IsOnline

    Palatine is OK. I have friends living there for a long time (townhouse). I rented an apartment close to Palatine, in Buffalo Grove, for a few months. Buffalo Grove is better.

    • CommentAuthorArtem_O
    • CommentTime21/11/2021IsOnline

    How right? My english very bad or very poor?

    • CommentTime23/11/2021IsOnline

    "My English is not so good" sounds better.

    • CommentAuthorArtem_O
    • CommentTime23/11/2021IsOnline



    "My English is not so good" sounds better.

    Ok, thanks. I think that is more hard for new immigrants. I dosn't friends with verbs. Is not interesting in school for me. My very very big mistake. I'm so sorry!


    • CommentTime24/11/2021IsOnline

    It is hard. But there's no other way just to learn, practice, speak, write - day by day, bit by bit. And then, one sunny day you suddenly realize that you can clearly understand what other people say.

    • CommentAuthorArtem_O
    • CommentTime24/11/2021IsOnline


    It is hard. But there's no other way just to learn, practice, speak, write - day by day, bit by bit. And then, one sunny day you suddenly realize that you can clearly understand what other people say.

    Perfect feeling))

    • CommentTime26/11/2021IsOnline