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    • CommentTime9/11/2010IsOnline редактировалось данное сообщение

    This thread would be a great tool for the users to practice English.

    Follow simple guideline:

    • English only
    • no specific topic - you are quite welcome to express yourself in any area
    • no strict rules, minimum moderation
    • bring your opinion whatever is on top of your mind now
    • please be tolerant to inexperienced English speakers
    • make fun and keep it up!
    • CommentAuthorlenah
    • CommentTime9/11/2010IsOnline

    wow ;) I would like to participate in this topic, any way i have not Russian keyboard - so let's speak English :)

    I have a question: Have you noticed that you've can write in English and yo can read - but you can not talk?

    This is my problem :( How to solve it? Any ideas?

    • CommentTime9/11/2010IsOnline

    this's just an ordinary problem of the most people i think. can write, can listen, but cannot speak..

    i am one of such people :) don't know how to solve this specific problem, but i know exactly, that my brain starts work hardly when i am abroad in some english-speaking country. can or cannot you speak - you should, otherwise nobody understand you..

    how it emulate on-side? dunno :) the best way is using skype and chat with somebodies.. anyway, i don't have a strong solution.

    • CommentAuthordenis1968
    • CommentTime9/11/2010IsOnline


    wow ;) I would like to participate in this topic, any way i have not Russian keyboard - so let's speak English :)

    I have a question: Have you noticed that you've can write in English and yo can read - but you can not talk?

    This is my problem :( How to solve it? Any ideas?

    Practice will help only...

    • CommentTime9/11/2010IsOnline редактировалось данное сообщение

    Omg, it's 4 o'clock in the morning here. I've just have finished fixing my girlfriend's laptop. I put together it several times and every previous time something refused to work: keyboard, touch pad or volume buttons. Take my advice guys, if someone asks you to change a fan in his or her laptop, just give it to pros.

    PS: Should we start correcting each other, or we'd better live in illusion that we don't do mistakes? )

    • CommentTime9/11/2010IsOnline

    the topic is "let's talk", not "let's correct". i figure that those who does mistakes actually knows about that ;)

    • CommentAuthordenis1968
    • CommentTime9/11/2010IsOnline


    the topic is "let's talk", not "let's correct". i figure that those who does mistakes actually knows about that ;)

    It is truth...

    • CommentTime9/11/2010IsOnline

    About correcting others - after 6 years in the US I still ask my colleagues/friends to correct my grammar and style when I wright or talk... it helps a lot. If you don't ask, the Americans won't clean your spelling (normally) due to their natural tolerance. Feedback from the native speakers is essential, it can prevent to get some wrong sentences stuck in your memory.

    • CommentAuthormongol
    • CommentTime9/11/2010IsOnline

    Yes! I like this topic. I learning English with my wife and this topic will be very usefull for us!

  1.  цитата

    I agree that it is indeed not easy to someone to become able to speak even if that person can read and write easily. And this is quite usual. I remember myself – it is always a barrier to get over, when you start speaking a foreign language. Allow me to attempt to provide some unusual kind of help for those who are trying to get over such barrier.


     That situation reminds me an old joke about famous Vassily Ivanovich who tried to learn speaking Japanese.  According to Pet’ka he relatively easily gained the ability to read and write but was struggling with conversing in Japanese. Finally, he went to see a doctor to check why such a smart person still having big troubles (just to make sure that it does not indicate any sort of mental capacity deterioration or such) . The doctor found no abnormality and suggested that he should get through some sort of a mental shock to push  him to get through  “the breaking  wall challenge” . So, Pet’ka tried to arrange one for Vassily Ivanovich soon. Once he pointed to his commander that the price of vodka hiked another time – this time quite severely, as much as 3 more rubbles a bottle.  Vassily Ivanovich got so much stunned that he was able to reply only: “ hawwa  mucha- hawwa  mucha ?” ( сикоко-сикоко? - in the original).Laughing

  2.  цитата

     after 6 years in the US I still ask my colleagues/friends to correct my grammar and style when I wright or talk... it helps a lot.

    After 13 years I am suffering same way and my son is the best proof-reader to me.

    • CommentTime10/11/2010IsOnline

    Should we start correcting each other, or we'd better live in illusion that we don't do mistakes? )
    I don't think so, it'd be too boring topic

    • CommentAuthoralexsis
    • CommentTime10/11/2010IsOnline

    I think, that creation of this theme is not a good idea for those, who lived russia. Because (based on my experience) much of russians don't like to overload mind, so they will prefer to write russian, cause they have a possibilyty of this. And it's my opinion all problems of russian people in russia and in the us have its roots from there.


    I know, that my english is weak, but i'll try to put my thoughts in english, and i'll be very grateful if you can show me all my mistakes in this post & in all posts that i'll write in future. much thanks, alexey.

    • CommentTime10/11/2010IsOnline


    I think, that creation of this theme is not a good idea for those (comma removed) who has left Russia. Because (based on my experience) many of Russians don't like to overload mind, so they ("will" removed) prefer to write Russian, because they have a possibilyty of this. In my opinion all problems of russian people in russia and in the us have its roots from there.

    I know, that my english is weak, but i'll try to put my thoughts in english, and i'll be very grateful if you can show me all my mistakes in this post & in all posts that i'll write in future. much thanks, alexey.

    alexsis (is it how you spell your name?), your English is pretty good. I don't want to argue with you about the idea of lazy Russians (my opinion is quite opposite), let's focus on English side. You can find some corrections I've made in bold. It's a bit (style-wise) "Russian-built" (Russian style logic, too many commas and same words), but other then that it's OK. Keep practice!

    • CommentAuthoralexsis
    • CommentTime11/11/2010IsOnline

    Thanks a lot, i'll try to do this regularly. I hope when i come to us i'll remove my "russian logic", but all my shcool and university teachers studied me so for long years. I like english i like to see movies in english, but my wife is not, and it will be a problem...


    PS about my name. i don't know how is it spelling too, because i thought it some years ago due "alexis" was busy...

    • CommentTime28/11/2017IsOnline

    Old theme reincarnation...

    Hi, everybody! It's been a while since my last post... Good to see the forum is still alive and quite active.

    News: not so many. Just recently visited Russia for a week (for a sad reason, my mom has died...). Impressed how Yekaterinburg has changed - wider, higher, more comfy. But still, not my city anymore... Chicago is. Home/family/work - all good. Going to Japan today for a short business trip (back on Sunday). Weather in Chicagoland is beautiful now - still warm (53F/12C), dry and calm.

    What about you guys? Anything you have to share? In English, please.

    • CommentTime28/11/2017IsOnline

    My sincere condolences, my friend!

    I lost my mom as well 3 month ago ...

    We are waiting for you this season but don't rush isn't enough snow yet.

    • CommentTime28/11/2017IsOnline редактировалось данное сообщение

    Hi there.

    -Today we had talking about of  Russia, russian economic,russians politicians and so on. Nothing to serious.

    - The weather in SPb is very coldness and rainy.  But many people, who is living here,is really happy. ( Me too. Uncle Mike have got another opinion)

    Ок. What about Japan?  If you have got free time, tell me pls about it. It will be so interesting for me.

    -If I have mistakes,do not hit me legs.Please,guys. I am trying to write in English without mistakes

    • CommentTime28/11/2017IsOnline редактировалось данное сообщение



    -If I have mistakes,do not hit me legs.Please,guys. I am trying to write in English without mistakes

    You are doing great, my young padawan, much better than some residents, live here for decades.

    I praise your attitude and perseverance in being the best version of yourself. One day it will bring you a big fruit.


    • CommentTime28/11/2017IsOnline редактировалось данное сообщение

    Not so young but e.. I hope my English skill will be improve  day by day.

    Therefore, thanks a lot for your kind of words.)

    • CommentTime28/11/2017IsOnline

    but no "will be improve"

    It's either

    Will be improved


    Will improve


    • CommentAuthorMcLayn
    • CommentTime28/11/2017IsOnline


    wow ;) I would like to participate in this topic, any way i have not Russian keyboard - so let's speak English :)

    I have a question: Have you noticed that you've can write in English and yo can read - but you can not talk?

    This is my problem :( How to solve it? Any ideas?

    Conversations with English speakers or accomodation in USA, UK and etc.

    • CommentTime9/02/2018IsOnline