Всем Доброго времени суток дорогие форумчане!
Сегодня утром проверяя электронную почту наткнулся вот на эти два письма
От кого: U.S. Department of State
U.S. Department of State sent this message to Alexander ********(Фамилия) (********111@rambler.ru) Your registered name is included to show this message originated from U.S. Department of State. Congratulations, you've won !Dear Alexander *******(Фамилия) ,Congratulations ! You are among those randomly selected and registered for further consideration in the diversity immigrant program. Selection guarantees thatyou will receive a United States Permanent Resident Card(also known as Green Card or Diversity Visa) only if you follow the instructions for further processing.
Acceptance Date:Saturday 19th of February 2011 04:25:21 PMWinner Name:Alexander EgorovCountry of Birth:RussiaPhone Number:--
Is the Diversity Visa FREE ? No. There is a big confusion. Only the participation in the Diversity Visa Lottery was free but the winners must pay the visa processing fees.
The fee is used to process your visa related documents and verify your identity.
Type of Residence CardStatusAmount (per person)United States Permanent Resident CardGranted! - Waiting for payment of processing fee$880Processing feesIncludedTotal$880INSTRUCTIONS
Please read and follow all the instructions very carefully. With the Diversity Visa (also known as Green Card) you will enjoy all the advantages and benefits of a US permanent resident, including health and education benefits, and employment opportunities along with guidance in your new country, orientation sessions and programs to integrate into mainstream American society. Once received you can use it at any time you want to move in the United States or just travel. The visa must be renewed after 10 years.
Although you will have all the rights that a U.S. citizen has in the United States, without a relative or friend in the United States you may find the relocation difficult and expensive due the lack of experience in the American society. Therefore the U.S. Government helps you with the accommodation and offers you along with each visa Health Insurance (Freedom HSA Direct Individual Health insurance for 1 year),Dwelling(Apartment in any city you prefer, 1 bedroom for 3 months ), a guaranteed job(in the field that you are are currently qualified so you can start working even from the first week you arrive in the United States and get paid as U.S citizen. ) and education (for U.S. Students or Higher Education through EducationUSA. It includes transfer to a U.S college or Univeristy so you can continue your educational study. More details can be found at http://educationusa.state.gov/ .)
We remind you that only the visa processing fee ($880) is mandatory and the visa is guaranteed upon receiving the payment.
Accompanying family members(wife/husband, fiancee, brothers, sisters, children, cousins) may be included in the program and their visas will be provided at the same time with yours so you can travel/move together in the same time. However the fees must be paid per person and each member(e.g wife, brother, parents, children, cousin) must pay $880. There is no discount for children.
А похоже... Если уж они все меняют, то почему бы и на мыло не рассылать выигравшим, 21 век все таки... Вроде денег с вас не требуют, только за интервью плата. Если выиграли, то я Вас поздравляю!!! =)
Только почему Case number не указан?
Visa Payment processing instructions
The fees must be paid using Western Union money transfer and will be processed by the U.S. embassy in the United Kingdom.
Western Union is a leading provider of International person-to-person money transfer. With more than 150 years experience and 245,000 Agent locations in over 200 countries and territories, Western Union is recognized for sending money quickly, reliably, and safety. You can send the payment in U.S. dollars or equivalent of your local currency.
Click on the following link to find the nearest Western Union agency and send the fees payment :Find Western Union Agency If you are unable to find a Western Union agency near your location, you may ask a relative or friend to pay the fee on your behalf.
After you find a Western Union agency you need to go with cash money, an identity card(e.g passport or national identity card) and send the payment to the U.S. embassy agent address in United Kingdom:
Name : Gary Cochrane Address: 24 Grosvenor Square London, W1A 2LQ United Kingdom
The payment must be sent to the above U.S. embassy agent address in United Kingdom because the U.S. Government decided this based on the diplomatic relations with your country.
After you send the payment follow the next steps :
a) Email copy/scan of the Western Union receipt at gov.dv.state@usa.comb) Email at gov.dv.state@usa.com with the following details (you can find them on the money transfer receipt):
1) Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN): 2) Exact sender's name on file with Western Union: 3) Exact sender's address on file with Western Union: 4) Exact receiver's name on file with Western Union: 5) Amount sent:
Then wait for the confirmation that the payment was received.
Within 72 hours, you will receive a confirmation via email with your Case Number/Confirmation Number and exact date and time(approx. 2 days) of the final interview. Upon successful interview you will receive your documents and travel information to move in the United States. Under no circumstances your visa status won't be affected by the interview.
Important Notice!
The payment must be sent via Western Union no later than March 6, 2011. You are strongly encouraged not to wait until the last day to pay. Heavy demand may result in system delays.Under no circumstances can diversity visas be issued or adjustments approved after this date, nor can family members obtain diversity visas to follow-to-join the principal applicant in the U.S. after this date. The visa processing fee(US$ 880) is mandatory for each person and the U.S. Government doesn't offer any discount, loan or exception. You have been selected winner of the Diversity Visa lottery so the visa is guaranteed upon receiving the payment fees on time. A hard copy of this letter will be mailed to your postal address upon receiving the payment fees. Please be advised that even through you are a winner of Diversity Visa your Case Number/Confirmation Number will be provided only after you send the payment confirmation of the fees. Please do not contact us to ask for the Case Number/Confirmation Number.
If it would be necessary to contact the U.S. Department of state YOU MUST ALWAYS REFER TO YOUR NAME. The email address isgov.dv.state@usa.com
CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: AUTHORITIES: The information asked for on this form is requested pursuant to Section 222 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Section 222(f) provides that the records of the Department of State and of diplomatic and consular offices of the United States pertaining to the issuance and refusal of visas or permits to enter the United States shall be considered confidential and shall be used only for the formulation, amendment, administration, or enforcement of the immigration, nationality, and other laws of the United States. Certified copies of such records may be made available to a court provided the court certifies that the information contained in such records is needed in a case pending before the court. PURPOSE: The U.S. Department of State uses the facts you provide on this form primarily to determine your assification and eligibility for a U.S. immigrant visa. Individuals who fail to submit this form or who do not provide all the requested information may be denied a U.S. immigrant visa. Although furnishing this information is voluntary, failure to provide this information may delay or prevent the processing of your case. ROUTINE USES: If you are issued an immigrant visa and are subsequently admitted to the United States as an immigrant, the Department of Homeland Security will use the information on this form to issue you a Permanent Resident Card, and, if you so indicate, the Social Security Administration will use the information to issue a social security number. The information provided may also be released to federal agencies for law enforcement, counterterrorism and homeland security purposes; to Congress and courts within their sphere of jurisdiction; and to other federal agencies who may need the information to administer or enforce U.S. laws.
Если кратко то внем говориться о том как Я стал одним из 50к счасливчиков... Теперь же Я должен оплатить услуги для оформления всех необходимых документов и т.д... (800$)
И далее строго следовать инструкции...
Письмо №2
Alexander ******* , You accepted to receive messages from USAFIS Organization on the following date: 2010-02-23T03:04:03.650
We wish to notify you that you have been selected as one of the Diversity Visa (DV) Program winner for receiving a United StatesPermanent Resident Card. It is also known as the Green Card Lottery. The lottery has been administered on an annual basisby the Department of State and conducted under the terms of Section 203(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).Section 131 of the Immigration Act of 1990 (Pub. L. 101-649) amended INA 203 to provide for a new class of immigrants knownas "diversity immigrants" (DV immigrants).As part of the agreement we will issue A FREE Airline ticket from your country to the USA to claim your Green Card underthe American Green Card Lottery Program. The ticket will be sent via post mail at your address registered with us once your visawill be remitted by the U.S department of State.The U.S Department of State will should contact you soon with visa processing information and how to proceed further.
If you have any question regarding the visa please wait for the U.S Department of State to contact you as we do not have any competency to discuss further details with you.What should you do now ?Wait for the U.S Department of State to contact you and give you the information about visa processing and how to proceed further .
Best regards,Costumer Service Team
The USAFIS Organization
You accepted to receive messages from USAFIS Organization on the following date: 2010-02-23T03:04:03.650
For reference, your computer IP: was recorded to confirm your registration
To no longer receive messages from USAFIS Organization, please click the following link: Click Here
OR Send a postal request to: USAFIS Organization 2576 Broadway # 443 New York, NY 10025 U.S.A
Досих пор от шока не отошел :)))
Впервую очередь конечно же хотелось бы убедится что это не очередной обман... Что вы об этом думаете... Заранее всех благодарю за предоставленную помощь в этом вопросе...
Zverushka:А похоже... Если уж они все меняют, то почему бы и на мыло не рассылать выигравшим, 21 век все таки... Вроде денег с вас не требуют, только за интервью плата. Если выиграли, то я Вас поздравляю!!! =)
Благодарю, но радоваться пока что еще рано думаю... Хочу во всем окончательно убедиться...
Спасибо! :)
А вот теперь вижу, что развод))) Может Вы конечно и выиграли, но это USAFIS... Вы у них на сайте оформлялись?
Выигравшие деньги платят только в посольстве при получении визы, а не отправляют непонятно куму в Лондон (при чем тут Лондон вообще, я не поняла)
Это развод!
Хех, раз уж на то пошло очень жаль, ну время покажет выйграю еще... На Офф сайте лотереи заявку тоже оставлял... Теперь буду от туда заветное письмо ждать ;) Спасибо еще раз!
Alexander:Если тоже, то это уже повтор = дисквалификацияНа Офф сайте лотереи заявку тоже оставлял...
вы бы форум почитали чтоли. или хотяб погуглили.
привет всем! скажите,пожалуйста,с чего нужно начать оформление заявки?где брать бланки и куда их отправлять.вообщем,все поступенькам расскажите.будем благодарны
Alexander, вчера мне пришло точно такое же письмо... и вот теперь сама в раздумьях, верить в это или опять пытаются на деньги развести.
Больше всего смущает перевод этих самых денег по Вестерн Юнион просто конкретному человеку..
при этом, на что идет расчет, если сумма (очень приличная, если платить за нескольких членов семьи), требуется до 6 марта, непонятно. пыталась проверить свой статус непосредственно через сам сайт http://www.dvlottery.state.gov/ESC/ , но нигде у себя не нашла Entrant's Confirmation Number
у вас также?
В общем, все это обман. На сайте американского посольства в Лондоне написано следующее:
January 5, 2011 - If you have received an email notifying you that your application for the Diversity Visa Program has been successful and that in order to proceed with your application you are required to send money to a named individual at the U.S. Embassy in London, you are a victim of a scam. Successful DV applicants are notified by the Department of State, Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) and for DV-2012 and onwards, through the online Entry Status check as stated above. No other organization or private company is authorized by the Department of State to notify DV applicants of their winning entry, or the next steps in the processing of applying for their visa.
Мне тоже прислали данное письмо. а вобще как это проверяется развод или нет? можно ли куда нить написать или позвонить?
Тоже получил этот спам)
Но вовремя понял развод!!!!
<p>тоже получил эту муть не ведитесь на это вас разводят как булочек...если получили такое сообщение первое предложение вбейте в поисковик и всё будет ясно ....ине вздумайте отсылать деньги</p>
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